Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Not an auspicious beginning

Dear Sorbonne administration,

I know you are French and everything, but surely that only excuses so much bureaucratic ineptitude. It wasn't as if you had promised me a lot, or that my expectations were high. But I thought it reasonable to think that you might follow through on the one little thing that you did promise -- to send me the timetable of classes by today so that I would know when and where to show up tomorrow when classes start.

I would suggest that, given the not inconsiderable fees you charge foreign students for signing up for you damned courses, the scenario in which I am forced to send the e-mail below is not an acceptable one:


Je me suis inscrit pour le semestre d'hiver 2013, pour lequel le cours va commencer demain, et je n'ai pas encore reçu aucune information concernant mon horaire (malgré votre promesse que l'on recevra aujourd'hui). Cela a comme conséquence que j'ignore le lieu et l'heure de la première séance.

Je vous serais reconnaissant de toute aide que vous pourriez apporter à cette question.
David Giltinan

(le numéro sur ma carte d'étudiant est XXXXXX, je suis inscrit au cours F010)
{I enrolled for the winter semester of 2013, for which classes will start tomorrow, and I have not received any information about my schedule (despite your promise that I would receive it today). This has the consequence that I do not know the place and time of the first session.

I would appreciate any help you could provide on this issue.}
Or, to put it succinctly, you ain't nothin' but a bunch of hound dawgs.
I loathe incompetence.
There, I feel much better now.  Thank you for your attention.

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