Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fred and Oscar

This afternoon we went to Pere Lachaise. By far the most visited graves were those of Chopin and Oscar Wilde. Though I have to admit that we didn't make it over to Jim Morrison's tomb:

The cemetery is enormous. Thus, though we did see Rossini's grave, among those we missed were Colette, Proust, and Bellini.

It was a fun outing, nonetheless, though I was a little horrified at all the graffiti on Wilde's memorial. One suspects that he may be enjoying the posthumous adulation, however.

1 comment:

  1. une de mes tombes préférées à visiter est celle de Parmentier, l'homme qui a convaincu les français que les pommes de terre étaient mangeables et les gens reconnaissants laissent des patates sur sa tombe maintenant
