À boire ou je tue le chien!
Bring me something to drink or I kill the dog!
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe
About a remark in a conversation, to be completely irrelevant (literally: "to arrive like a hair in the soup")
Attaquer bille en tête
He didn't beat about the bush (literally: "to attack with a marble in head")
Avoir chaud aux plumes
To escape a danger (literally: "to have one's feathers hot")
Avoir des atomes crochus avec quelqu'un
To have a lot in common with someone (literally: "to have hooked atoms with someone")
Avoir le cul entre deux chaises
To be caught between two stools (literally: "to have one's ass between two chairs")
Avoir les dents du fond qui baignent
To be overfed (literally: "to have one's back teeth swimming")
Avoir les jetons
To be scared (literally: "to have the tokens")
Avoir les chevilles qui enflent
To be very full of oneself (literally: "to have one's ankles swell")
Avoir des casseroles au cul
To be haunted by a scandal (literally: "to have saucepans hung on the ass")
Avec ma bite et mon couteau
To do something with very few tools (literally: "with my dick and my knife")
Avoir le cul bordé de nouilles
To be lucky (literally: "to have the ass full of noodles")
Avoir trois métros de retard
To always be one step behind (literally: "to be three metros late")
Avoir un chat dans la gorge
To have a frog in one's throat (literally: "to have a cat in one's throat")
Avoir un fil à la patte
To be tied down (literally: "to have a thread at the leg")
Avoir un poil dans la main
To be lazy (literally: "to have a hair in the hand")
Avoir une peur bleue
To have a bad scare (literally: "to have a blue fear")
Ça me fait une belle jambe
A fat lot of good that does me! (literally: "It makes me a nice leg")
Ça ne casse pas des briques
It has nothing to write home about (literally: "It doesn't break bricks")
Ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard
It has nothing to write home about (literally: "It doesn't break three legs to a duck")
Ça va chier des bulles
There'll be one hell of a row (literally: "It will shit bubbles")
Ça va être pour ma pomme
It's for yours truly (literally: "It will be for my apple")
Ça vaut son pesant de cacahuètes
Ironical: That's priceless (literally: "It is worth its weight in peanuts")
C'est dans la poche
It's in the bag (literally: "It's in the pocket")
C'est le pied
That's great (literally: "It is the foot")
C'est une autre paire de manches
That's another story (literally: "It's another pair of sleeves")
Chat échaudé craint l'eau froide
Once bitten, twice shy (literally: "A warmed cat fears cold water")
Coincer la bulle
To bum around (literally: "to wedge the bubble")
Courir sur le haricot
Get one someone's nerves (literally: "to run on someone's bean")
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