Paddy, seen below with an admirer, left this morning and is safely back in Alexandria.
I miss her already, but will see her again in a month, when I stop over in D.C. on my way back to San Francisco.
I forget whether or not I have mentioned the proximate cause for my return at the end of June. The San Francisco Opera is presenting Wagner's Ring Cycle in June (the full cycle in each of three consecutive weeks) and I have tickets for the final set of performances. Yes, that amounts to something like 16 hours of Wagner in a single week. But, apparently, this is the kind of thing one does in one's golden years. I am already feeling pre-performance anxiety about not being sufficiently prepared, but not to the extent that I am doing anything about it.
But even if it weren't for the operas, I think I would be ready to be home by the end of June. Though I love Paris, 15 weeks away from home is probably long enough.
I miss you, too, Dg, and I'm also missing the pate, baguettes, cheese, frites, kir, etc.!